江门市骏凯豪庭开发建设有限公司,成立于2003年,隶属于广东名冠集团,与保利发展强强联合开发华南区大盘“骏凯豪庭”,现推广名为“保利西海岸”。 项目位于广东新会银洲湖畔,紧邻新会区政府,占地1700亩,纵享2.8公里银洲湖一线水岸景观,是集居住休闲、商业服务、文化娱乐、全程教育等多功能的城市综合体。未来,这里将发展成为容纳近5万常住人口的生态宜居大盘。
江门市骏凯豪庭开发建设有限公司,成立于2003年,隶属于广东名冠集团,与保利发展强强联合开发华南区大盘“骏凯豪庭”,现推广名为“保利西海岸”。 项目位于广东新会银洲湖畔,紧邻新会区政府,占地1700亩,纵享2.8公里银洲湖一线水岸景观,是集居住休闲、商业服务、文化娱乐、全程教育等多功能的城市综合体。未来,这里将发展成为容纳近5万常住人口的生态宜居大盘。
江门市温莎堡物业服务有限公司,成立于2008年,是广东名冠集团旗下从事物业管理服务的专业公司。公司以集团金凯悦酒店服务为依托,在物业管理服务中融合酒店服务理念与标准,建立了严谨、科学、细致的服务和质量管理体系,确保各项服务周到、规范,使物业管理服务的效率和质量得到不断持续改进和完善。公司各管理人员及专业技能人员均取得国家规定上岗证书。 一直以来温莎堡为客户提供高质量的服务同时也得到广大住户的好评与支持,温莎堡将不断创新服务理念,让小区因温莎堡更加文明、更加和谐、更加温馨,让物业因温莎堡更有价值!
广东华宇建筑工程有限公司,创建于2004年,坐落于著名侨乡江门新会,隶属于广东名冠集团。广东华宇建筑具备大型项目建筑经验与实力,具有二级房屋建筑工程施工总承包、二级地基与基础专业承包、二级建筑装修装饰专业承包资质,承建过的项目类型涵括五星级酒店、厂园建筑、校园建筑、商业房地产、海港码头、国家保税型物流中心等等。 公司以规范、专业、创新、共赢的经营理念,高效贴心的服务,团结协作、敬业负责、服务奉献、求实进取的企业精神,始终贯彻以追求合作伙伴最大利益为目标,竭诚为合作伙伴提供最大程度的保障。公司立志打造精良的团队,为合作伙伴提供优秀、科学、专业的服务,以获得合作者的信任和支持,打造属于广东名冠集团的建筑行业优质品牌。
广东华宇钢结构工程有限公司,专注各类钢结构技术研发和制造安装,深根异型钢结构细分领域,是我国华南地区重要的钢结构生产基地。 华宇钢结构秉承“品质为本,顾客为尊”的理念,拥有先进的制造设备、生产线和一批资深的研发设计人员,多年匠心沉淀,塑造了颂传国内外的品牌口碑,特别在异型钢结构细分领域,处于行业先进水平。 华宇钢结构拥有中国钢结构制造壹级资质、新加坡国家钢结构制造S1资质、中国钢结构专业承包二级资质,具备设计和制造国标、英标、美标、欧标、澳标及有CE认证要求的各类钢结构产品的资质和实力。 多年来承建了无数国际与国内具有影响力和标志性的大型工程,包括国家电网项目、汶莱皇家海军基地修船厂、新加坡CCRC、澳大利亚南澳健康医药研究所、中东高铁站、美国GE发电站设备、中山岐江开启桥加固工程、新加坡金沙娱乐城、中远船务船体联合车间等等。查看华宇钢结构网站
华冠新型材料股份有限公司,成立于2000年,隶属于广东名冠集团,是一家专业研发、生产、销售镀铝/镀铝锌基板及高性能有机彩涂板的高新技术企业。自成立以来,先后投入十多亿元,分别从日本、奥地利引进多条产品生产线,包括酸洗板生产线、冷轧板生产线、镀铝锌板/镀铝板生产线和镀铝锌板/镀铝板彩涂板生产线,另投资新增多条覆膜板生产线,是我国华南地区薄钢板生产加工的重点企业。 华冠新材还是广东省高性能耐腐蚀钢板工程技术研究中心,拥有40多项专利。已形成“华冠龙”、“华冠虹”等一系列业内知名品牌,华冠彩钢板在耐腐蚀性、耐候性、物理性能、外观等方面均处于行业先进水平,产品广泛应用于建筑装饰和家电等行业。 公司通过管理改革和技术创新,近年来斩获无数荣誉,包括“中国质量过硬放心品牌”、“广东省高新技术企业”、“广东省著名商标”、“广东省名牌产品”等等。先后通过了IS09001版国际质量体系认证、ISO50001能源管理体系认证和ISO14000环境管理体系认证。产品销往全国各地及出口美国、东南亚、欧盟等国家和地区。 华冠新材--敢为人先,打造中国钢板著名品牌。查看华冠新材网站
东莞市石龙名冠金凯悦大酒店有限公司,是名冠金凯悦酒店集团下辖企业,是一家豪华涉外型国际商务五星标准酒店。 酒店位于东莞石龙镇,坐落于美丽的东江河畔,沿岸风景秀丽。酒店北靠广州、南临深圳、毗邻香港,邻近莞深高速公路和广惠高速公路,距离东莞火车站仅3分钟车程,20分钟车程可达东莞市中心区域,乘坐广深线和谐号直通车22分钟可直达广州东站,40分钟可达深圳罗湖,距东莞市轻轨R2线石龙新火车站仅3公里,来往交通极为便利。 酒店占地约四万平方米,建筑面积近五万平方米。设计古朴典雅,拥有各式客房403间,8间功能各异、设施齐全的宴会及会议场所,中式和西式特色风情餐厅及包房,装修奢华、规模宏大的KTV,以及健身房、室内外泳池、桌球室、乒乓球室等康体健身场所,是宾客商务旅行、会议洽谈、休闲居停的理想选择。查看石龙酒店网站
东莞市名冠金凯悦大酒店有限公司(凤岗),是名冠金凯悦酒店集团下辖企业,是一家豪华涉外型国际商务五星标准酒店。 酒店位于东莞市凤岗镇中心,毗邻东莞塘厦、清溪、樟木头和深圳龙岗、观澜、平湖等,距深圳机场仅45分钟车程,距罗湖火车站、皇岗口岸半小时车程,距深圳观澜湖高尔夫球会仅30分钟车程,来往交通方便快捷。 酒店占地近2万平方米,建筑面积4万多平方米。主楼高16层,拥有设备完善的各类豪华客房291间,5间大中小型会议室及可容纳800人的多功能宴会厅,设有中西餐厅、日本料理、卡拉OK、室内游泳池、健身房等,是宾客商务、会议、娱乐理想选择。查看凤岗酒店网站
江门市华凯货运有限公司,成立于2013年,隶属于广东名冠集团,以普通货物运输(含集装箱运输)为主营业务,兼营货运代理、船舶业务代理、销售汽车零配件及车辆信息咨询服务等相关业务。 公司现有集装箱运输车辆37台,拖卡42台。华凯货运以新会港(天马·西河口)两港区为依托的货源中心,覆盖五邑地区及中山、粤西部分地市进行公路货物运输服务,为维达、中顺、业太、李锦记等上市企业提供长期服务。 华凯货运是珠西地区少数拥有LNG燃气货运车辆企业之一,先后于2014年6月购置9台天燃气重卡,2015年8月购置10台天燃气重卡,现有LNG燃气重卡19台,积极响应国家蓝天保卫战,倡导低碳绿色货运。 公司严格执行车辆国家标准,对车辆检测、人员培训足额投入安全生产经费,按时对车辆进行年季审,并与新会汽车保修厂等几家具有国家II类维修资质的企业合作定期车辆维护保养,保证车辆安全系数。 公司秉承“安全第一、客户至上”的服务理念,实行三级安全管理体系,严格控制安全运营指标,重大安全责任事故发生率为零。公司所有管理人员均持证上岗,保证企业管理专业性。
广东新会港国际货运码头有限公司,公司1999年成立,是广东名冠集团属下的港口物流分支企业,包括:天马外贸港区、西河口内贸港区、大广海湾保税物流中心(B型)、华邑外轮理货、江宇船务货运代理、货柜车检查场。专门从事内外贸集装箱及散件杂物港口装卸、内河沿海及拖车物流运输、船务货运代理、外轮理货、保税仓储等业务,为客户提供一站式报关、清关、仓储、物流配送服务。 公司以发展新会工业革命,加速临江经济效应,创造中国优质民企,泛映珠三、开拓远洋,与时俱进、共创辉煌为发展目标,努力打造成为江门地区一流的港口物流综合服务平台。查看新会港网站
名冠幼教是由江门市名冠教育投资,隶属于广东名冠集团,与江门市新会区名冠实验学校共同打造十五年一贯制国际化校园。名冠幼教现有“江门市名冠幼儿园(原江门市广外附设外国语幼儿园)”和“江门市名冠半岛幼儿园”两家直属园,均按照广东省一级幼儿园办园标准创建。幼儿园将以先进的办学理念、课程体系和管理体系,为孩子们提供“家园、乐园、学园、探究园、活动园、创新园”沉浸式完整校园生活教育环境,致力于打造"乐活生态、止于至善;智能创造,臻善致美”的省级标杆智慧幼儿园。 幼儿园以“名”中西,“冠”德行的园训和办园宗旨,秉承“生活即课堂,世界即教材”的课程理念,营造中西合璧国际化的课程空间,围绕八大智能五大领域呈现多元化和个性化的整合课程,配合区域活动、宝贝俱乐部的意愿活动,教学形式以学科整合及无边界探究为主,并贯穿和倡导“生活中学习、游戏中体验、探究中创新”的教学理念。 我们的课程价值取向既是学科之间的相互融合,又是科学精神与人文精神的融合。我们的课程目标关注人的综合素养,关注社会和谐并引导孩子终身学习。 我们倡导的“无边界”和“放养”理念,放的是孩子们的“思维”“想象力”和“创造力”,养的是“规则”“素养”“品质”以及“情感”和“价值观”。科学无边界,术业有专攻;给与孩子的,既是爱,更是法规公德原则和自由。 幼儿园以“立学中华,眼观世界;共享自然,穿越时空”的立意,在国家学前教育教学大纲的基础上,为家长朋友们提供更优质的保教综合而多元的服务,赋能孩子的童年,让孩子从小自觉自律、自力更生、自信自强,成就大格局、大视野,培养具有“中国风,侨乡情,世界眼”的国际高素质公民,让孩子的童年与世界同行,最终成长为最好的自己。 最好的教育是优质而适合的教育, 选择适合孩子发展的环境和精神生长的乐园, 就是对孩子未来最好的教育投资, 让教育在孩子身上“精神生长”, 好的教育让孩子“受益终身”。 江门市名冠幼儿园,名冠半岛幼儿园, 让所有的孩子“精神生长”的同时, 给与孩子最好的幼儿园生活环境和学习空间, 让孩子的童年与世界同行, 最终成长为最好的自己。查看更多
江门市新会区名冠实验学校,简称“名冠实验学校”,是由江门市人民政府引进,名冠集团投资和管理的一所涵盖“魅力”小学、“优质”初中、“卓越”高中为一体的十二年一贯制学校。学校位于“著名侨乡”、“启超故里”江门市新会区,按照省一级学校标准建设,占地108亩,可容纳近3000名学生就读。中西合璧的建筑风格,典雅整洁,设备先进的功能场所,一应俱全,深受师生、家长喜欢。 学校深入贯彻党的教育方针,把握民办教育工作的政治属性和时代特征,坚持以“培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人”为育人目标。全面构建具有本校特色的“一训三风”,校训为“崇德尚学,弘毅致远”,前者为治学为人之根本,后者为思想作风和人生态度,两者相得益彰,上合学校的办学精神,下启师生的价值追求;校风为“励志笃学,从实求新”、教风为“潜心治学,睿达力行”、学风为“慎思乐学,惟诚勤勉”,“三风”作为师生共同遵守的基本行为准则与道德规范,引导学生踔厉奋发、立志成才,引导教师务实进取、作育英才,是校训精神的具体体现。新思想引领新作风,高标准铸就高质量,不断探索“优质•特色•现代化”的学校高质量发展之路,努力创办具有核心竞争力的品牌学校。查看更多
江门市名冠金凯悦大酒店有限公司,是名冠金凯悦酒店集团下辖企业,是一家集餐饮、旅业、会议、休闲娱乐为一体的豪华涉外型国际商务五星标准酒店。 酒店建筑面积近12万平方米,建筑群包括酒店主楼、国宴饭店、总统别墅群、国君KTV及edc酒吧,建筑设计独具匠心,现代与典雅交融,交相辉映。主楼高26层,拥有豪华客房500多间,设计温馨典雅,设备设施齐全,为客户提供宾至如归的舒适体验。 酒店拥有大型多功能国际宴会厅可同时接待1500人的宴会或会议,另设有10多个不同规格的会议室。会议场所设施先进、功能齐全,为客户提供“一站式”专家会议服务。 酒店设有中餐、日餐、西餐,以及酒店大型KTV、酒吧、水疗会所、棋牌、室内游泳池、健身房等康体娱乐设施一应俱全,为客户提供专属的放松空间。 酒店坐落于江门市北新区CBD商圈,邻近万达广场、汇悦城商场、高尚住宅小区、政府办公大楼,还有周边公共配套建设完善,明星公园、五邑华侨广场、华侨博物馆、江门保利体育中心等近在咫尺。 酒店交通十分便利,距外海港澳码头只需15分钟,距新会、鹤山、中山、古镇25分钟车程,距广州佛山80分钟车程。查看江门酒店网站
东莞市寮步名冠金凯悦大酒店有限公司,是名冠金凯悦酒店集团下辖企业,前身是一家涉外四星级商务型酒店,亦是中国第一家乡镇四星级酒店,现已转型升级为集商务办公、商业零售、文化教育、餐饮美食等为一体的大型商业综合体。 企业位于东莞市寮步镇中心,距东莞市中心仅15分钟车程,邻近广惠城轨寮步站、东莞火车站、深圳机场、广州机场,毗邻广深、广珠高速公路,地理位置优越,交通极为便捷。
东莞峰景高尔夫有限公司,位于东莞市中心,毗邻虎英公园,依傍旗峰山麓,旗下拥有峰景高尔夫球会、峰景酒店、峰景学院,致力于打造全国一流的涵盖高尔夫、酒店、学院等多元化一体的高端文旅品牌。 峰景高尔夫球会拥有36洞国际锦标高尔夫球场,是东莞市区唯一一家高尔夫球场。球场揉合独特的天然环境地势及专业的球道设计,构思巧妙,四处林木苍翠,湖光山色,美不胜收。球场在国际国内享有美誉,多次获评“中国十八名洞”、“中国十佳高尔夫球场”、“亚太地区最具影响力高尔夫球场(中国区)”等。 峰景酒店以五星级标准配套,拥有可欣赏无敌湖景或高尔夫球场景观的豪华客房和套房、设置特色餐厅、英式酒吧、多功能会议厅、健身房、游泳池、水疗馆等,以完备的设施和殷勤的服务为球员提供远离烦嚣、休闲写意的私人消闲康乐活动场所。 东莞峰景学院球道长300码,共两层39个打位,设有推杆练习果岭和练习沙坑。学院拥有专业的教练团队和完善的教学设施,致力于高尔夫运动的推广、普及,努力培养优秀青少年选手,帮助学员更有效率地提升高尔夫水平。同时为各型企业提供专业、高效、优质的团建活动,是客户体验和享受高球乐趣的汇聚地。查看企业网站
东莞市华阳汽车维修有限公司,成立于2005年,隶属于广东名冠集团。华阳汽修以中高低端车修护为主营业务,以快修、快保养护为主。 服务单位包括韩国第四大集团SK集团及其下属企业、广东名冠集团及其下属企业、东莞爱思开租车有限责任公司等。 另外,华阳汽修联合合作单位为客户提供机动车检测、车辆年审办理、车辆违章处理等一条龙服务。
Jiangmen Junkai Haoting Development and Construction Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 as an affiliate of Guangdong Mingcrown Group. In partnership with China's real estate giant Poly Real Estate, it developed the large residential project Junkai Haoting, now promoted as “Poly The West Coast”.The project, located beside Yinzhou Lake, Xinhui district, Jiangmen City, Guangdong province and next to Xinhui district government, covers an area of around 1,133,339 m2 and enjoys 2.8 km close waterfront landscape of Yinzhou Lake. It is an urban complex integrating multiple functions such as residence and leisure, commercial service, culture & entertainment, and all-round education. In the future, it will develop into a large ecological and livable residential project with a permanent population of 50,000.
Jiangmen Windsor Plaza Property Services Co., Ltd., established in 2008, is a professional property management service company under Guangdong Mingcrown Group. The company relies on the services of Gladden hotels to provide property management services. By incorporating hotel service concepts and standards into property management, and establishing a rigorous and scientific service and quality management system, Windsor Plaza Property ensures that all services are thoughtful and standardized, and that service efficiency and quality are continuously improved. All managers, professionals and technicians of the company have obtained necessary qualification certificates for assuming their respective positions. Windsor Plaza Property always provides high-quality services to its customers and has been widely praised and supported by residents for that. It will continue to innovate service concepts to create a warmer, more civilized and harmonious community, thus adding value to your property with its services.
Guangdong Huayu Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. was founded in 2004 in Xinhui, Jiangmen - the famous hometown of overseas Chinese. It is affiliated to Guangdong Mingcrown Group. Huayu Construction has both the experience and capacity to undertake large construction projects. It has obtained the grade II qualification for general contracting of housing construction, grade II qualification for specialized contracting of foundation and foundation works, and grade II qualification for specialized contracting of building decoration. Examples of previous projects include five-star hotels, factory buildings, campus buildings, commercial properties, harbors and wharves, and national bonded logistics centers. Huayu Construction adheres to the business philosophy of standardization, professionalism, innovation and win-win results. Its enterprise spirit is solidarity & cooperation, dedication & responsibility, service & devotion, pragmatism and aggressiveness. By providing efficient and thoughtful services, the company always endeavors to maximize benefits to its partners and give them the greatest protection possible. It is determined to build an excellent team and gain the trust and support of partners through high-quality, scientific and professional services, thereby becoming a premium construction brand of Guangdong Mingcrown Group.
Dongguan Huayang Auto Repair Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005 and affiliated to Guangdong Mingcrown Group. It is primarily engaged in the repair (mainly quick repair and maintenance) of premium, intermediate and low-end cars. Major clients include SK Group (the 4th largest group in South Korea) and its affiliates, Guangdong Mingcrown Group and its affiliates, and Dongguan SK Car Rental Co., Ltd. In addition, Huayang Auto Repair works with partners to provide customers with one-stop services such as motor vehicle testing, annual vehicle inspection and traffic violation handling.
Guangdong Huayu Steel Structure Engineering Co., Ltd. focuses on the research and development, manufacturing and installation of various steel structure technologies, and the subdivision of deep-rooted special-shaped steel structures. It is an important steel structure production base in South China. Huayu Steel Structure adheres to the concept of "Quality-oriented, Customer-oriented", has advanced manufacturing equipment, production lines and a group of senior R&D and designers. Years of ingenuity has accumulated and shaped the reputation of the brand at home and abroad, especially in special-shaped steel. The structural subdivision field is at the advanced level of the industry. Huayu Steel Structure has the first-level qualification for China's steel structure manufacturing, Singapore's national steel structure manufacturing S1 qualification, and the second-level qualification for China's steel structure professional contracting. It has design and manufacturing national standards, British standards, American standards, European standards, Australian standards and CE certification Qualification and strength of various steel structure products required. Over the years, it has undertaken numerous international and domestic influential and iconic large-scale projects, including the National Grid Project, the Royal Brunei Naval Base Ship Repair Yard, Singapore CCRC, Australia South Australia Institute of Health Medicine, Middle East High Speed Rail Station, and US GE Power Station Equipment , Zhongshan Qijiang Bridge Reinforcement Project, Singapore Sands Entertainment City, COSCO Shipyard Hull Joint Workshop, etc.View the website of Huayu Steel Structure
Huaguan New Materials Co., Ltd., founded in 2000 and affiliated to Guangdong Mingcrown Group, is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the research, development, production and sales of aluminized / aluminized zinc substrates and high-performance organic coating plates. Since its establishment, the company has invested more than one billion RMB to introduce from Japan and Austria multiple production lines, covering pickling plates, cold-rolled sheets, aluminized zinc plates/aluminized plates, and organic coating plates. In addition, it has invested in many new production lines for laminated plates. It is a key enterprise for the production and processing of sheet steel in South China. Huaguan New Materials is also the engineering research center for high-performance corrosion-resistant steel plates in Guangdong province, with more than 40 patents. It has established a series of well-known brands in the industry, such as “Huaguan Dragon” and “Huaguan Rainbow”. Huaguan color steel plates, which lead the industry in such aspects as corrosion resistance, weatherability, physical properties, and appearance, are widely used in such industries as building decoration and household appliances. Through management reform and technological innovation, Huaguan New Materials has won numerous honors in recent years, including “Chinese Brand with Excellent Quality”, “High-tech Enterprise in Guangdong Province”, “Famous Trademark of Guangdong Province”, and “Famous Brand Product of Guangdong Province”. It has successively passed ISO 9001 International Quality Management System Certification, ISO 50001 Energy Management System Certification, and ISO 14000 Environmental Management System Certification. Its products are sold all over the country and exported to overseas countries and regions such as the United States, Southeast Asia, and the European Union. Huaguan New Materials, daring to be the pioneer, builds a famous brand of made-in-China steel plates.Go to the website of Huaguan New Materials
Dongguan Liaobu Gladden Hotel Co., Ltd., an enterprise under Guangdong Mingcrown Group, is the first five-star township hotel in China. Previously a five-star international business hotel, Liaobu Gladden has now transformed into a large commercial complex integrating business offices, commercial retail, cultural education, dining and restaurants. Liaobu Gladden is situated in the center of Liaobu town, Dongguan city, with convenient transportation. Only 15 minutes' drive from the city center, the hotel is close to Liaobu Station of Guangzhou-Huizhou Intercity Railway, Dongguan Railway Station, Shenzhen Airport, Guangzhou Airport, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway and Guangzhou-Zhuhai Expressway.
Dongguan Jiangmen Gladden Hotel Co., Ltd., an enterprise under Mingcrown Gladden Hotel Group, is a five-star international luxury business hotel. With a gross floor area of nearly 120,000 m2, Jiangmen Gladden complex includes the main hotel building, State Banquet Hotel, presidential villa complex, King KTV and EDC Bar. The architectural design is a unique blending of elegance and modern sense. The main building has 26 storeys and more than 500 luxurious rooms. Featuring warm, elegant design and complete facilities, they provide guests with comfortable experience from a “home away from home”. Jiangmen Gladden boasts a large multi-functional international banquet hall that can hold up to 1,500 people at the same time for banquets or meetings. In addition, there are 10-plus meeting rooms of varied sizes. Equipped with advanced facilities, these full-functional conference venues offer customers with "one-stop” premier conference services. The hotel offers Chinese, Japanese as well as Western food. Moreover, sports and recreational facilities are available for guests to relax, such as the large KTV lounge, bar, SPA club, chess and card room, indoor swimming pool and fitness room. Located in the CBD of Beixin district, Jiangmen city, the hotel is adjacent to Wanda Plaza, Joyful City Mall, high-class residential quarters, and the government office building. Besides, an array of public facilities are well within reach, such as Jiangmen Star Park, Wuyi Overseas Chinese Square, Overseas Chinese Museum, and Jiangmen Poly Sports Center. The hotel has very convenient transportation. It is only 15 minutes’ drive from Waihai Hong Kong and Macao Ferry Terminal, 25 minutes’ drive from Xinhui, Heshan, Zhongshan and Guzhen, and 80 minutes’ drive from Foshan and Guangzhou.View Jiangmen hotel website
Dongguan Shilong Gladden Hotel Co., Ltd., an enterprise under Mingcrown Gladden Hotel Group, is a five-star international luxury business hotel. Shilong Gladden is located beside the picturesque Dongjiang River in Shilong town, Dongguan city. It adjoins Guangzhou in the north, Shenzhen and Hong Kong in the south, in close proximity to Dongguan-Shenzhen Expressway and Guangzhou-Huizhou Expressway. The hotel is only three minutes’ drive to Dongguan Railway Station (previously “Shilong New Railway Station”, the starting station of Dongguan Railway Transit Line 2)and 20 minutes’ drive to downtown Dongguan. From the hotel, you can directly reach Guangzhou East Railway Station in 22 minutes and Luohu district, Shenzhen in 40 minutes via Guangzhou-Shenzhen CRH trains. The transportation is really convenient. Shilong Gladden occupies a land area of about 40,000 m2, with a gross floorage of nearly 50,000 m2. Featuring simple and elegant design, the hotel is facilitated with 403 guest rooms, eight well-equipped banquet and conference halls of varied function, Chinese and Western style specialty restaurants (with private dining rooms), a large and luxuriously decorated KTV lounge, fitness room, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, billiard room and table tennis room, making it an ideal place for business trip stays, meeting & negotiation, and leisure.Check out Shilong Hotel website
Dongguan Fenggang Gladden Hotel Co., Ltd., an enterprise under Mingcrown Gladden Hotel Group, is a five-star international luxury business hotel. Standing in the center of Fenggang town, Dongguan city, Fenggang Gladden is close to Tangxia, Qingxi and Zhangmutou towns in Dongguan, and Longgang, Guanlan and Pinghu towns in Shenzhen, with convenient transportation. The hotel is only 45 minutes’ drive to Shenzhen Baoan International Airport, and only 30 minutes’ drive to Luohu Railway Station, Huanggang Port and Mission Hills Golf Club in Shenzhen. Fenggang Gladden occupies approximately 20,000 m2 of land, with a gross floorage of more than 40,000 m2. The main building of the hotel has 16 storeys and features 291 well-equipped deluxe rooms, five conference rooms of varied sizes and a multi-functional banquet hall with a seating capacity of 800. Chinese and Western style restaurant, Japanese food, KTV room, indoor swimming pool and fitness room are also available, making the hotel your ideal choice for business, meeting and recreation.Check Fenggang Hotel Website
Jiangmen Huakai Freight Services Co., Ltd. was founded in 2013 and affiliated to Guangdong Mingcrown Group. The Company is mainly engaged in transporting general goods, including containers. Concurrently, it provides freight agency, shipping agency, auto parts sale, vehicle information consulting and related services. The Company has 37 container vehicles and 42 trailer trucks. Based on the source of goods provided by Tianma and Xihekou Port Areas, the Company offers road freight transport services in Jiangmen, Zhongshan and some West Guangdong cities and areas. Its long-term clients include Vinda, C&S, Yetai, Lee Kum Kee, and other listed companies. Huakai Freight Services is one of the first few enterprises on the west bank of the PRD to own an LNG vehicle. It purchased 9 LNG heavy-duty trucks in June 2014 and another 10 in August 2015, adding the total number to 19. The Company responds actively to the national Blue-Sky Protection Campaign, and advocates green and low-caron cargo transportation. The Company strictly implements the national standards on vehicles, and allocate sufficient safe production funds to conduct vehicle testing and personnel training. In addition to seasonal and annual vehicle inspections, the Company also cooperates with several enterprises with National Grade II Maintenance Qualifications, including Xinhui Auto Service Factory, to ensure vehicle safety through regular maintenance. The Company adheres to the service philosophy of “safety first, customer foremost” and maintains a three-level safety management system to closely monitor safety operating indicators. That is how we manage to keep the occurrence of major safety accidents at zero. All managers of the Company hold necessary qualifications for assuming their respective posts to ensure professional enterprise management.
Founded in 1999, Guangdong Xinhui Port International Freight Terminal Co., Ltd. is a port logistics enterprise affiliated to Guangdong Mingcrown Group. The Company comprises Tianma Foreign Trade Port Area, Xihekou Domestic Trade Port Area, Daguang Bay Bonded Logistics Center (Type B), Huayi Ocean Ship Tally, Jiangyu Shipping & Freight Forwarding, and Container Truck Inspection Yard. Specialized in port handling of domestic and foreign trade containers & bulk cargoes, inland, coastal and trailer logistics & transportation, shipping and forwarding agency, foreign ship tally and bonded storage, the Company provides one-stop customs declaration, clearance, warehousing and logistics distribution services. We make it our goal to reform the local industry, achieve the scale of port economy, build a high-quality private enterprise, open up ocean routes, keep pace with the times and create a splendid future with our customers. Bearing such goals in mind, we endeavor to be a first-class integrated port logistics service platform in Jiangmen.Visit the website of Xinhui Port
Dongguan Hillview Golf Co., Ltd., located in the center of Dongguan city, adjoins Huying Park and leans close to the foothill of Qifeng Mountain. Operating Dongguan Hillview Golf Club, Hillview Hotel, and Hillview Academy, the Company is committed to building a high-end cultural tourism brand in China that integrates golf, hotel and academy. Hillview 36-Hole International Tournament Golf Course, the only golf course in downtown Dongguan, integrates the unique natural environment and topography as well as the professional and ingenious golf lane design. It is surrounded by green trees and blessed with the natural beauty of lakes and mountains. The golf course enjoys a good reputation both at home and abroad. Specifically, it has been rated as one of the “18 Famous Holes in China”, one of the “10 Best Golf Courses in China”, and the “Most Influential Golf Course in the Asia-Pacific Region (China)”. Hillview Hotel, built in line with five-star hotel standards, is equipped with deluxe rooms and suites that allow guests to appreciate invincible lake or golf course views, specialty restaurants, an English-style bar, multi-functional conference halls, a gym, a swimming center, SPA club, etc. With complete facilities and attentive service, it provides players with a private place for leisure and recreation away from the hustle and bustle of the mundane life. Hillview Academy has a fairway of 300 yards and 39 hitter positions spread over two floors. A putting green and practice bankers are also available. Boasting a professional coach team and sound teaching facilities, Hillview Academy is committed to promoting golf, cultivating excellent young golfers, and helping players improve their skills effectively. In addition, Hillview Academy provides professional, efficient and high-quality teambuilding activities to enterprises and a gathering place for customers to experience and enjoy golfing.View corporate website
Jiangmen Guangwai has a foreign language kindergarten attached to Guangdong Mingguan Group. It is a component of the first 15-year consistent school under Guangwai Education Group. It cultivates modern people with "Chinese style, hometown feelings for overseas Chinese, and a global perspective" to the world. Advocate the activity education model of "homeland, paradise, school, activity garden, and exploration garden", in which teachers, students, themselves, and teams are trained. In the kindergarten, you can learn ancient and modern Chinese and foreign knowledge as well as experience social and emotional skills, and pay more attention to the cultivation of values. Let children learn in life, experience in games, and innovate in exploration, and let children in and out at their own pace Growing up happily into a better self in the dialogue between nature and the world. Life is the classroom, and the world is the teaching material. We are committed to creating an international curriculum space that integrates Chinese and Western cultures, focusing on eight major intelligences, five major areas of theme exploration + regional activities + willingness to elective. The teaching form is based on subject integration and borderless inquiry, and runs through the immersive teaching of "life is education". Let children face the future with confidence and help them become active participants in the journey of lifelong learning.
Jiangmen Foreign Language School attached to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) was established in 2018 and affiliated to Guangdong Mingcrown Group. In order to increase the supply of high-quality basic education resources in Jiangmen, driven by the initiative of the municipal and district governments, Jiangmen Mingcrown Education Investment Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Guangdong Mingcrown Group, cooperated with Guangwai Education Group to establish Jiangmen Foreign Language School attached to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS). Jiangmen Foreign Language School attached to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) is a 15-year high-end international school built according to the standard of provincial first-class schools. It consists of a high-end kindergarten, a charming primary school, a quality middle school and a diversified high school. The first phase of the School, covering an area of 72,000 m2, has come into service. After the second phase which covers 200,001 m2 is completed, the School will be able to hold over 10,000 students. Supported by premium educational resources from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Jiangmen Foreign Language School attached to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) carries forward the advanced schooling philosophy and successful education model of the 25-year-old Guangwai Foreign Language School, Guangzhou. The purpose of the School is “To Insist on Whole-person Education, Be Responsible for the Lifelong Development of Each Child, and Cultivate Modern People with a Global Perspective”. Our teaching is characterized by “Light Load; High Quality”, and our moral education by “Putting Morality Before Knowledge”. We aim to build a picturesque campus that integrates learning, home, pleasure and exploration. Through a first-class faculty and the HighScope curriculum system that encourages “Developing in Breadth to Lay the Foundation for Each Living Being, and Developing in Depth to Make Every Unique Dream Come True”, we practice whole-person education under the student-based educational idea. In doing so, we help students realize their dreams and cultivate high-caliber modern talents featured by the “pursuit of integrity, practice and cross-cultural learning”.
Jiangmen Mingcrown Education Investment Co., Ltd. was founded in 2017 and affiliated to Guangdong Mingcrown Group. The same year, by partnering with Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (Guangwai Education Group), the Company established Jiangmen Foreign Language School attached to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) in Xinhui district - a school supported by the government, invested by enterprise, and managed by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (“GDUFS”). Guangwai Foreign Language School, Jiangmen is a 15-year full-boarding international foreign language school comprising kindergarten, primary school, middle school, high school, and international high school. The Company is fully responsible for preparing to construct Jiangmen Foreign Language School attached to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), Jiangmen Foreign Language Kindergarten attached to Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), and assisting with school enrollment and daily business management.
广东未定义文化艺术有限公司, 是集艺术行业资源数据平台、展览及产品设计开发、美术研究、商业经营、国际贸易、检测鉴定、职业教育、文化交流等为一体的多元化综合性企业。面向未来的生活,要用多元的文化来滋养,用艺术和技术装点;名冠为创作者提供广阔的舞台和丰富的资源,艺术与数据库的结合,为用户带来更加丰富多样的体验。