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广东华宇建筑工程有限公司 江门市骏凯豪庭开发建设有限公司 江门市温莎堡物业服务有限公司 华冠新型材料股份有限公司 广东华宇钢结构工程有限公司 东莞市华阳汽车维修有限公司 江门市名冠金凯悦大酒店有限公司 东莞市石龙名冠金凯悦大酒店有限公司 东莞市名冠金凯悦大酒店有限公司(凤岗) 广东新会港国际货运码头有限公司 江门市华凯货运有限公司 江门市名冠教育投资有限公司 江门市广外附设外国语幼儿园有限公司 广东外语外贸大学附设江门外国语学校 东莞峰景高尔夫球会

Development Strategy

Guangdong Mingguan Golden Hyatt Hotel Group Co., Ltd. was established in 2004 and belongs to the famous private enterprise Mingguan Group in Guangdong Province. Mingguan Golden Hyatt Hotel Group is committed to creating an ideal business partner, creating a leisure and entertainment paradise. For many years, it has been rated as one of the “Top 100 Service Industries in Guangdong Province” and has been awarded the title of “Excellent Independent Brand in Guangdong Province” for three consecutive years. It has three five-star standards and four Star standard

Development Strategy

Core competitiveness, management by objectives, sustainable development, steady progress

Cultivating core and overall competitiveness of enterprises to sustain long-term development and steady progress of our Group.

To ensure steady and sustainable growth, our Group exercises control over the annual operating indicators of all enterprises. We practice a management team responsibility system composed of the general manager, finance director and sales director (or vice president of business) over such indicators as revenue, cost, expense, gross profit, and capital recovery.

To ensure steady and sustainable growth, our Group implements a central procurement system for the main equipment and raw materials of enterprises, and a bidding/negotiated tendering system for all construction projects to strengthen control over the operating and investment costs of enterprises.

To ensure steady and sustainable growth, our Group must pay special attention to production safety and ensure the safety of enterprise properties and employees.

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