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Phase II of Xinhui Port Passes Navigation Safety Check

Release date:2015-04-04

The Phase II project extends downstream (eastward) from the berths of the first phase, at an angle of 7 degrees. Designed according to the 30,000-ton berth standard, Phase II is of typical high-piled beam-slab structure and has two 10,000-ton multi-purpose berths. Its standard section is 342 meters long and 37.8 meters wide; the transition section is 13 meters long and 23.5 meters wide. As for the bottom elevation of waters in front of the wharf, it will be dredged to -10.1 meters according to the 10,000-ton standard for the short term and -14.1 meters according to the 30,000-ton standard for the long term. The designed throughput is 910,000 tons a year, including 90,000 TEUs and 100,000-ton bulk cargoes.

Preparatory work for the project began in 2002, and project approval was completed between 2003 and 2004. In late August, 2007, construction of the main works officially kicked off. Despite difficulties met during construction (geology of project site is more complicated than expected, bank slope cannot be excavated), we never faltered in our determination to complete the project. At last, main works of the project was completed in July 2014, and inspected for acceptance in September 2014. According to the Completed Project Quality Appraisal Opinion issued by the Project Quality Supervision Station affiliated to Jiangmen Municipal Transportation Bureau, the project has reached the acceptable quality level.

For the time being, construction for second segment of Phase II (the rear storage yard and gantry cranes) is speeding up to meet the scheduled trial operation in Q1 of 2015. As Phase II passes navigation safety check, its trial operation has been accelerated. Xinhui Port is due to become the largest wharf in Jiangmen.

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