National First-Class Port: On Dec. 18, 2001, Xinhui Port was approved by the State Council as a national first-class cargo port and opened officially to foreign ships.
Designated Port for Importing Solid Wastes: On June 27, 2018, Xinhui Port became one of China’s 18 designated ports for importing solid wastes according to the announcement (No. 79/2018) of GACC and Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment.
QMS Certification: In October 2007, Xinhui Port passed CQC ISO 9001: 9002 Quality Management System Certification and obtained the QMS Certificate.
Designated Port for Importing Grains: In June 2014, Xinhui Port passed final inspection by the AQSIQ and became a designated port for importing grains (dried cassava). The application was submitted in September 2013.
Core Competence Cultivation: Passed core competence inspection for the first time in 2013; passed core competence review by the GACC in September 2019, indicating improvement in hygiene level and epidemic prevention.